greetings from sunny (and foggy) los angeles, ca

Hi, I'm heather. I like taking pictures. I take a lot of them. I stay up way too late. I wake up with my kids way too early (for me). Though slowly I'm learning that sleep is good.

I love photographing newborns, toddlers, kids (I've got two of my own), families, name it! Large groups and weddings make me way too nervous, but I'd be happy to refer you to other photographers in the area.

I love to hear your comments, so feel free to add to my blog by posting. Having a hard time remembering "umami?" Well, I wanted a name that would be easy to remember, spell and find, but apparently I did none of that, so if you'd like to get emails when I post, just add your email to the "subscribe here" box... you'll be the first to find out when I'll be offering mini sessions and other specials!

have a happy day... heather


auf Wiedersehen!

translation: until we see each other again.

Our neighbors (also good friends) moved to Germany this spring to try out living Euro-style... you know, like eating fresh bread sandwiches, riding to a farmers market on bicycle so you can put fresh cut flowers in your wicker bike-basket, driving tiny tiny cars, taking a train to some other country for the weekend...all that good stuff. Here's their blog if you want to read more about their hilarous adventures. Anyway, they came back to LA for a little vacation... basically filled with appointments to get haircuts and going to all their old doctors and dentists.

While they were here, we did a neighborhood progressive party. There were 5 couples and we rotated through 4 homes, stopping for an hour at each for a different course of food and drink and then walking down the block to the next house. Can I just say I was giddy about how fun this was. Fun fun fun!!! And we got a sitter so we could actually eat in peace and enjoy ourselves.

We also got to hang out some later in the week, so I took a few more pics of the kids before they headed back to their new home in Germany.

Miss you guys! Oh, and I can't wait read your blog post about your plane flight home!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got to see them. I feel strangely connected to them because I have a German Au Pair!! And their Medala storage tubes:)

Anonymous said...

You ALWAYS get the best shots! Are you tired of me telling you have fab you are?! I hope not.


umami photography said...

Diana - I heart you. I never get tired of it! :)

Sarah - LOL... Gail was asking me about you too... she's glad you're getting use out of the bottle things. Can't wait for your visit!!!!

Anonymous said...

ADORABLE!!! Love this!

J-n-G Carpenter said...

Great pix of "Das Carpenter' Jungen." even though you can't see Lukey's eyes. Great seeing you guys!

umami photography said...

gail--oh I'll have some with his eyes open too... I just thought this one was funny... like luke saying, "Oh brother!"

Alicia C* said...

hey you!!! just saying "hi" and beautiful pics as always!!