greetings from sunny (and foggy) los angeles, ca

Hi, I'm heather. I like taking pictures. I take a lot of them. I stay up way too late. I wake up with my kids way too early (for me). Though slowly I'm learning that sleep is good.

I love photographing newborns, toddlers, kids (I've got two of my own), families, name it! Large groups and weddings make me way too nervous, but I'd be happy to refer you to other photographers in the area.

I love to hear your comments, so feel free to add to my blog by posting. Having a hard time remembering "umami?" Well, I wanted a name that would be easy to remember, spell and find, but apparently I did none of that, so if you'd like to get emails when I post, just add your email to the "subscribe here" box... you'll be the first to find out when I'll be offering mini sessions and other specials!

have a happy day... heather


buddha and his brothers

Sorry I've been neglecting this blog, but things have gotten pretty busy around here with the kids and their activities (soccer, swimming, princess ballet, gymnastics, school, playdates)... they're only 2 and did this happen!? Oh it's just so fun to watch them learn new things and try out new activities.

I've also been crazy busy taking photos for holiday cards! I'm happy to say that I'm all booked for 2008 and booking datess for 2009. Thanks everyone.

Okay, I've got to get to bed earlier...I'm starting to just fall apart and still have a ton to do this week!

I had the pleasure of photographing two sets of brothers this weekend. The first set of brothers stars our favorite buddha baby. Oooo he is just too yummy... I tried to sneak him into my pocket to take him home, but he's just getting a touch too big for that.

Buddha's brothers are equally handsome and charming. I'm wondering though... did they earn their trip to go see Madagascar? They sure kept me on my toes with all the climbing and running around... but hey, that's what being a boy (and a kid) is all about. They gave me plenty of smiles too!

Great seeing you guys again and thanks for braving the 405 and fire storms!

I'll be back soon to post more from my lastest sessions!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I've missed you. Keep 'em coming!

xxo Diana