greetings from sunny (and foggy) los angeles, ca

Hi, I'm heather. I like taking pictures. I take a lot of them. I stay up way too late. I wake up with my kids way too early (for me). Though slowly I'm learning that sleep is good.

I love photographing newborns, toddlers, kids (I've got two of my own), families, name it! Large groups and weddings make me way too nervous, but I'd be happy to refer you to other photographers in the area.

I love to hear your comments, so feel free to add to my blog by posting. Having a hard time remembering "umami?" Well, I wanted a name that would be easy to remember, spell and find, but apparently I did none of that, so if you'd like to get emails when I post, just add your email to the "subscribe here" box... you'll be the first to find out when I'll be offering mini sessions and other specials!

have a happy day... heather


not sure what to call this one

Well, I'm back from a long weekend spent with my family in Arizona. Matt just wrapped up a big project at work, so we decided to go on a quick vacation to spend time time together as a family. We did a lot of swimming, went to the zoo and got to visit with my brother and his fam (wait until I post pics of my nephews...oh they're so cute). Oh, I think I may have gotten a speeding ticket too. ARGA! A mysterious police truck took my picture as I drove by... so we'll see if I get an early Christmas letter in the mail (only, instead of being sent from the North Pole, it'll have the return address from Santa's vacation home).

I haven't had time to upload any of my vacation pics since I still have a couple more sessions to edit from last week and am crazy booked up this weekend with more sessions. Woo hoo! Maybe my new lens will be paid off pretty soon! Oh wait... now I've got a speeding ticket to pay for. Drat!

I found a few more pics that I love from a session a couple weeks ago, so here there are!


this is what being a brother is all about. can't you just see them 20 years from now?


Amy of Oaks and Acorns said...

cute! what lens did you get?

Anonymous said...

Love these Heather! :) You can totally see how much fun they had. When will you be in SD again? ;)

umami photography said...

Amy--I got a new 24-70 2.8 lens and I'm loving it with my 5D!

Julie--Not sure of next SD trip, but maybe between xmas and new years?