greetings from sunny (and foggy) los angeles, ca

Hi, I'm heather. I like taking pictures. I take a lot of them. I stay up way too late. I wake up with my kids way too early (for me). Though slowly I'm learning that sleep is good.

I love photographing newborns, toddlers, kids (I've got two of my own), families, name it! Large groups and weddings make me way too nervous, but I'd be happy to refer you to other photographers in the area.

I love to hear your comments, so feel free to add to my blog by posting. Having a hard time remembering "umami?" Well, I wanted a name that would be easy to remember, spell and find, but apparently I did none of that, so if you'd like to get emails when I post, just add your email to the "subscribe here" box... you'll be the first to find out when I'll be offering mini sessions and other specials!

have a happy day... heather


a little trip to san diego

On Monday I threw some clothes, a stroller and the kids in the car for a quick trip to San Diego. We met up with my photographer friend Julie (of and her totally squeezable daughter PJ (if she looks familiar, it's because you may have seen her striking a pose in some Roxy or Carters advertisements). After a yummy lunch (but always a bit chaotic eating in a restaurant when the kids outnumber the adults), we headed to a local park and tried snapping some pix of the kids while also trying to keep them out of the stinky swamp water (that attracted them like fruit flies to old bananas).

pj swinging/melting in the sun

I just got the new Totally Rad Actions and thought I'd mess around with them...what do you think? They kind of remind me of pictures that have been sitting in one of those old sticky page albums from when I was a kid.

Check out julie's blog for pix of Kaylie and Jack...they're awesome and so is she! So if you happen to be looking for a photographer in the San Diego area, she's your girl!

...more to come from San Diego and our trip to Big Bear.

And a big Happy 4th of July to everyone!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots! Your kids are so adorable (of course, I went to your friend's blog to see!) I am so overwhelmed when I look at all these beautiful pictures and wish I knew how to do what you do!!!

xx, Diana